Damn... wingers are thick
(too old to reply)
2019-11-12 05:25:28 UTC
On 11 Nov 2019, ***@gmail.com posted some news:4cb7455b-aa3c-4c68-9b67-***@googlegroups.com:

Newsgroups: rec.sport.football.college
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Subject: Damn... wingers are thick
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Took sooo many years to realize hiding messages they hate is more
effective than burning messages they hate.
Some of you might remember when I was working for the cis department
in Montgomery, we dealt with an annual winger book burning event.
Then they would come in and pay for some of the books they burned.
And I said "why don't they just hide them in other shelves?"
Haha, guess I gave them wingers their first good idea.
You got nothing but a thick skull with holes in it.

I used to live in French Village.

I got to watch East St Louis die and St Louis become a festering sore of
Democrat pus.

The first thing the local Democrats did after Brown vs BOE, was kill
funding for libraries and divert it to black welfare programs. No more
mobile libraries, no more new books and no more Saturday movies at the

When the blacks got their welfare checks, the first thing they did was get
drunk and go burn down businesses, churches or public buildings.

The "wingers" moved their families out of the area and left you nothing-
but-mouth retards in the slums.

It give me no end of pleasure to drive down 64 and see burned out brick
houses propped up with 2 x 4's, walls and roofs collapsing, and a beatup
caddy sitting out front.

Just another success story of snotty, ignorant, left wing liberal
2019-11-12 06:01:55 UTC
On 11 Nov 2019, ***@protonmail.com posted some news:04a3f764-571b-4dd1-8c28-***@googlegroups.com:

Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 21:27:59 -0800 (PST)
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Subject: Re: Damn... wingers are thick
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IP address 2601:3c1:c204:8890:2c52:5b2f:3eb9:a4ef
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Ok, I don’t think this guy is a Russian. I think he’s actually a
stupid redneck. Or maybe they’re stepping up their game for 2020.
Your operative words were, "I don't think..."

I agree with that.
2019-11-12 15:41:49 UTC
In article <***@>
bender <***@siu.edu> wrote:
